المجالس القطاعية - JCC

An Overview of The Sectoral Councils
The successful model of an influential and trusted business voice
Sectoral boards were developed in accordance with international best practices, based on reference studies that included a number of international and regional chambers that serve the sectors of commerce, industry and services with high efficiency, and which were applied for the first time in the Jeddah Chamber at the level of Saudi Chambers in the Kingdom
Sectoral boards were developed in accordance with international best practices, based on reference studies that included a number of international and regional chambers that serve the sectors of commerce, industry and services with high efficiency, and which were applied for the first time in the Jeddah Chamber at the level of Saudi Chambers in the Kingdom
تعتبر آلية مطوّرة لتمثيل صوت مجتمع الأعمال والعمل بشراكات مع الجهات والبرامج الحكومية المعنية بهدف تذليل التحديات وتوضيح الفرص للمساهمة الفاعلة في تحفيز نمو وازدهار القطاعات الرئيسية التي تمثل ميزات تنافسية لمحافظة جدة ضمن رؤية 2030.

جهود ومخرجات المجالس القطاعية